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Domicile Crush

Artist: Mutt & Geoff

Album: Monkey Barrel

BPM: 90

Chord Chart:

Verse: E Min, A Min, G, F# Diminished, G, C, D

Chorus: A Min, E Min, G

March 3, 2022

This is the closest thing to a polished Mix I have done to date. It sounds pretty good to me!

February 28, 2022

I have been experimenting with vocal treatments and the some total of tracks at this point is more than 60. As a result I am having to mix the music and the vocals in separate Cubase arrangement files: DomicileCrushV11-NO-Vocal-NoVSTI-V2.cpr (Instrument mixing with mixed vocal tracks); DomicileCrushV11-NO-Vocal-NoVSTI-V2.cpr (vocal tracks with instrument busses.

February 6, 2022 – I have been playing with vocal processing. It is a crazy thing to do with your own voice, No perspective.

February 5, 2022 – Rough Mix. All parts and vocals. Minor cleanup of mix. Stepping away from this to let it sink in.

February 3, 2022 – I am learning so much about vocal recording/mixing. A real journey. Backing vocals roughed in here.

February 2, 2022 – New Vocals. Working with Folder Edit in Cubase with multiple vocal takes. Also using a Lavalier Mic along with the Sterling Ribbon Mic. Backing vocals next. Also playing with Tempo shifts. From 90-94 BPM between verse and Chorus.

January 30, 2022 – Vocal Mix . First draft

January 29, 2022- Vocal draft. This is vocals roughed into a music mix. Next I will add them to the mix master and fit everything together.

January 23, 2022 – Andy’s guitars took this to a new dimension. More tweaking and some background vocals added as well.

January 22, 2022 – Deeper dive into the music structure. Leaned out and simplified the beginning and other parts, still more to take out, especially piano, it is too repetitive as is. It is ready for vocals.

January 21, 2022: First complete version, no vocals.